This documentary introduces us to Paul Whithead, an artist who is well known for creating paintings for several Peter Gabriel Genesis albums. Paul is telling us about his life and experiences, including swinging London in 1967, creating art for albums, and discovering meditation for the quiet and peace it brings him.
But part of his experiences also transitions Paul to his alter ego, Trisha van Cleef. We get to see Paul become Trisha and even see some of the art that Trisha creates. Trisha’s art is very fluid and entirely different than Paul’s.
The documentary treats Paul and Trisha as just ordinary parts of life with no judgements about either. We get to see quite a bit of the art that they each make flashing between scenes, which breaks up the “talking head” of Paul talking. It is a very interesting movie about a lifestyle that not a lot of people understand.
As Paul says “not everybody gets you”. And Paul & Trisha are ok with that.
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Debbie Bretschneider
August 27, 2023