Cinequest 2025 – The Dreamers and I

I typically don’t seek out documentaries, for entertainment or source material for reviews. But so many people said that this film was different, and that it would appeal to me. And they were right.

I’m a child of the Valley of Hearts Delight, who grew up with the Silicon Valley. The Valley is legendary, known for large companies that started as small companies with big ideas. It’s the land of invention, innovation, inspiration, and a sense that anyone who tries, can find some level of success.

After spending time at Apple Computer, Kenji Yamamoto recognized his skill was film making. This is his film. In it, he chronicles his time at a start-up habitat, a “hacker house.” A place where otherwise unconnected young entrepreneurs can inexpensively live and work on their projects, chasing the “next big thing.”

Yamamoto follows a handful of these dream chasers. He weaves a story of young people chasing the new American dream, the startup. They are realistic about the failure rate of startups. It is very high. And how they remain optimistic; that this Valley is the place where failure is just another step towards success.

While a documentary, The Dreamers and I definitely has the compelling feel of a well paced drama. We learn the backgrounds of the inhabitants of “The Startup Embassy.” While centered in the center of California, most of the subjects are from other countries. However they all share this new American dream. There are the moments of elation in discovery, and the let-downs when something that was almost there falls through. But rarely is that the end of the story.

Not only is this the story of the startup hackers, there are two meta-stories here. One of Carlos who sees evolving the hacker house concept into a fully industrialized business. And a second unexpected story, about Kenji’s own struggles in getting the film made. And about making it through the process himself.

So yeah, without any spoilers, this film is compelling, entertaining, uplifting, and in the end inspiring. It probably should make it into the required viewing for anyone in the engineering or project development educational tracts.

And it reminds the viewer that maybe not all successful businesses meet the standard criteria for success.

Visit Cinequest for show times and to buy tickets.

Ric Bretschneider
March 13, 2025
San Jose California

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